In some cases, a vendor makes a major change to its offering or strategy during the research process. To ensure a fair process, we consider a product as it is publicly represented at the time of research kick-off and do not guarantee changes after this point will be captured.

However, our process and briefing opportunity allows GigaOm analysts to understand the scope of these changes during the report drafting stage and they may inform the analyst’s comment and be noted within the evaluation.

GigaOm Vendor Escalation Policy

What are Vendor Escalations?

Escalations refer to issues that were not resolved as part of the normal fact check process.

Prior to publication, all vendors evaluated in a Radar report are invited to participate in a fact check review. Vendors are asked to note statements of factual inaccuracy related to their scores and product write-up and may request revisions provided they offer supporting documentation to the analyst for review.

It is GigaOm policy to consider all vendor feedback received during the fact check period and to provide an acknowledgement to vendors regarding the issues vendors raise.

How Can Vendors Submit an Escalation?

In the event a resolution has not been achieved during the fact check period, vendors are welcome to submit a support ticket to initiate an escalation.

If escalation requests are sent via email or directly to a GigaOm employee, vendors will be redirected to the support system to submit a ticket in order for the request to be reviewed.

How Are Escalations Handled?

GigaOm’s support team will review escalation requests and respond within two business days. Our support team will notify the customer of the final resolution.

Are There Any Restrictions on Escalation Requests?

We do not generally consider escalations in the following circumstances:

  • Submissions from vendors that did not participate in fact check.
  • Submissions received after a report is published.
  • Submissions where a vendor is requesting revisions that do not address a factual inaccuracy and attempt to insert promotional language or marketing copy.
  • Submissions where vendors take issue with another vendor’s placement on the Radar chart. We will only consider escalations from vendors in regard to their own products and positioning on the Radar graphic.
  • Submissions where a vendor requests to be removed from a Radar report. If the product meets our requirements for the report and it is being sold in the market, there is no option to be removed from the report.

Prior to publication, GigaOm sends all vendors included in the Radar report a courtesy preview of the final report. The preview period typically lasts five business days, during which vendors can draft marketing materials (press releases, social posts, and so forth) to share with the GigaOm marketing team for review in advance of the report’s publication.

The preview period is not an extension of our fact check review process. However, if during the courtesy preview period a vendor notices a submitted factual inaccuracy that wasn’t corrected at fact check, we ask that vendors submit an escalation request so we can review the report and escalation as needed before the scheduled publish date.