GigaOm Radar for People Analytics Platformsv1.0

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. About the GigaOm Radar Report
  3. Market Categories and Deployment Types
  4. Key Criteria Comparison
  5. GigaOm Radar
  6. Vendor Overview
  7. Analyst’s Take

1. Summary

People analytics is emerging as a disruptive force in the arena of people operations – what has traditionally been called human resources (HR) or personnel management. It represents a move away from traditional forms of management and measurement, to an objective system that leverages data from across the business to track, analyze, and improve employee and team performance and the overall corporate culture.

A concise definition of people analytics is probably called for:

People analytics is the application of data analysis techniques and tools to gain insight into employee performance, engagement, and development, and cultural factors that shape the employee experience.

Of course, performance measures have long been a component of personnel management and human resources, however, in people analytics, the focus is on objective data, to the degree that is possible. People Analytics solutions enable enterprises to pull together the trove of data across current, past, and prospective employees, and to mine insight from sources like financial information, contracts, facilities, and core human resource information systems (HRIS).

In this GigaOm Radar report, we will explore the people analytics market landscape. The report will describe the market categories and deployment types within the people analytics space, and detail how each vendor’s solution performs against a set of relevant key criteria. This analysis will then inform the GigaOm Radar Chart, which provides a powerful, forward-looking visualization of people analytics tools and their expected development.

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