The Benefits of Participating in GigaOm Radars

We’ve spoken to over 800 vendors over the past year so that we can get input into our Radar reports, our evaluations of the industry, and the market categories we cover. There is no cost to participate in a Radar report, however it, does take time and effort to brief our analysts, respond to questionnaires, and fact check our materials. So, the valid question is, “what’s in it for me?” 

Some benefits for vendors:


      1. We will be promoting your solution category

    Technology solutions respond to a given problem or scenario. Often, highly needed solutions are not being considered because “megatrends” take up the oxygen, this is often the case for less cool areas such as IT operations or data governance, or newer areas like value stream management and FinOps. As we cover the solution category, we are essentially making a case for it — and your solution can benefit from the increased visibility this brings. 


        1. We will be talking about your solution as part of the category

      As well as our subscription base, GigaOm and its analysts have over half a million followers across social media. Readers of our reports number in the thousands — 1500-plus downloads is typical for a report. And our analysts are increasingly quoted in the press. If we review your product or service, you will pick up a public mention for being in the category. See it as free advertising. 


          1. We will give you feedback on your solution 

        Brief one of our analysts, and you can expect an interactive dialogue with a technical and market expert. The more open you can be in this part of the process, the more honest we can also be, driving a conversation about current product, marke,t fit, roadmap and so on. Our evaluations cover strengths and weaknesses, which we will share so you can see where and how to improve. 


            1. We are more likely to cover your solution as you would prefer 

          We’re not looking to mark down a product or a solution, but in some cases, we have no choice – for example if a feature is not clearly described or documented in publicly available information. Most vendors bring something of value to the party, but if this is not clear to us, then potentially, it will not be clear to your prospects. An interactive dialogue cuts through this, giving you the credit you deserve. 


              1. You may save time in the long run 

            A repeating pattern, for us, is when a vendor tells us they are too busy to participate in our research. Then, when we do our own research and send it for a fact check, the vendor requests a briefing at the last minute to run through any revisions. Sure, we may have got some elements wrong (but then, so would an end-user trying to research you). The point is, why not speak to us first, so then we do the job more efficiently?

            There we have it. We’re always looking to improve what we do, and we welcome your thoughts on that. Questionnaires can always be a pain, for example, but they should be seen as the means to an end — which is presenting your solution as well as possible. If you want the visibility, feedback and results, then come on in, let’s work together on this. Or, if you’re inundated with requests by firms similar to us, and you can’t cope with them all, let’s talk about that: we want to be the signal, not the noise. Either way, we’re here for any questions you may have.