Mobile industry 2012 segment analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Fresh opportunities for the mobile handset market — by Tara Seals
  3. Finding a niche in the app marketplace – by Derek Kerton
  4. The new service provider: mobile in a post-cellular world — by Colin Gibbs
  5. The evolving mobile network: from slide-deck presentations to deployment – by Monica Paolini
  6. How to win the location-based shopping war — by Laurie Lamberth
  7. About the authors

1. Summary

Few industries change at the pace mobile does. Whether it’s the iPhone 5, the importance of LTE, or BYOD trends disrupting the enterprise, there are always new technologies, trends, and companies changing the way we define mobile. Here, GigaOM Pro highlights a few segments of the mobile industry that will be important to watch in the coming months.

Tara Seals points out new opportunities for handset OEMs to differentiate their devices and remain relevant, including social TV and emerging markets.

Derek Kerton discusses how the mobile app market is still dominated by Apple and Google but identifies trends that are making space for a third player to gain ground.

GigaOM Pro’s mobile curator, Colin Gibbs, looks at new business models in the wireless service provider space, where the rise of unsubsidized handsets and non- cellular devices could disrupt traditional carriers.

Monica Paolini outlines the transition from voice- to data-centric usage models and the challenges mobile networks face as they adapt to this change.

Finally, Laurie Lamberth writes about the location-based shopping market, which has an expected growth rate of more than 90 percent through 2016.

Certainly our list does not cover every single segment in the mobile industry, and we encourage readers to weigh in with their own thoughts, questions, and predictions in the comments section of this report.

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