Voices in DevOps – Episode 21: A Conversation with Avi Cavale of JFrog

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In this episode, we learn about the story of the Shippable pipeline tool and the luck behind the bets made before and during its evolution from Avi Cavale.


In this episode, we learn from Avi Cavale the story of the Shippable pipeline tool, the luck behind the bets made before and during its evolution. We cover how CI is a commodity step in the DevOps process, but still needs to start from the mindsets and actions of developers. We learn the importance of changing the enterprise mindset from minimizing the number of failures, to how quickly resolution can happen; and how focusing on a real bottleneck and addressing that offers a place to start down the track towards more agile, efficient and systematic innovation processes.


Avi (@Avinci) got his start at Microsoft immediately on leaving school, where he worked on xbox, Azure and Live meeting before becoming the Product Unit Manager for Xbox Live. He co-founded acted as CEO of Shippable a company that helps programmers ship software faster by giving them an virtual build, test, and deployment environment in the cloud. Shippable was acquired by JFrog in 2019, and Avi now acts as R&D Leadership for them. He is also a fierce ping-pong competitor.

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You can find Enrico on Twitter and LinkedIn. If you enjoyed this podcast, please check out his most recent report for GigaOm, "Proactive Services Data Management in the Age of Hyper-Distribution".

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